ArgTx Library version 2.1 
ARG-Software's ArgTx Library 
 Thursday, September 19, 2024

ArgTx Library screenshot


ArgTx Library provides Visual FoxPro developers with a complete integration of the industry leading ActiveX TX Text Control into a sophisticated Office Fluent UI (Ribbon). ArgTx Library comes with built-in theme support that will allow to choose from predefined themes and color schemes such as Office 2007/2010 and Windows 7.

Note: In order to use this library, you must have a valid license of TX Text Control version 15.1 or higher. See more information about TX Text Control ActiveX at

* - requires Command Bars and Common Controls libraries.

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Product Features

General Features
  • Microsoft® Office Fluent UI (Ribbon) with fading effects
  • Completely prebuild interface to TX Text Control ActiveX
  • Integrate comprehensive word processing into your VFP applications
  • Multilevel Undo, Redo; Integrated visual themes (incl. Office 2010 and Windows 7)
  • Print preview, zoom incl. zoom slider
  • Load, edit and save document-formats as: DOCX, DOC, RTF
  • Export and create directly Adobe PDF and PDF/A files with no further software or third party printer drivers
  • Full table support including RightClick editing of table rows and columns
  • Document Headers and Footers support
  • Text frame support, page columns support
  • Customizable Quick Access Toolbar
  • Font, paragraph, headers and footers, table, page setup, open and save, Search and Replace dialogs pre-integrated
  • Multi-language support (English, German and Russian already integrated)
  • DPI-Awareness
  • Completely royalty-free
  • and even more...
  • You need a valid license of TX Text Control 15.1 or higher
  • Requires Command Bars and Common Controls libraries
ArgTx Library
Supported Environments
Visual FoxPro 9.0
Visual FoxPro Advanced (10.0) 32-bit and 64-bit

Supported Operating Systems
Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
Windows NT 4.0, 2000, XP, 2003
Windows 95, 98, 98SE, ME
Windows servers